June 29, 1999英语绘本图片百度网盘免费下载


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June 29, 1999英语绘本图片百度网盘免费下载


June 29, 1999

by David Wiesner "The place is Ho-Ho-Kus, New Jersey..."

I'll try to sum the story up here. A girl is doing a science experiment to

see if she can grow crops in space. Hoping at least one will come back and

she can get some data. A few weeks go by and all of a sudden all these

veggies are landing on Earth larger than houses. At first she thinks she's

discovered something great, till she realizes some of the veggies falling to

earth aren't what she sent up. Then we see a space ship of aliens who have

lost all their veggies and wondering how they will survive when all her

little tiny veggies come floating by lol. It's a hilarious book.

03 - The place is Ho-Ho-Kus, New Jersey. The year is 1999. On May 11, after months of careful research and planning, Holly Evans launches vegetable seedling into the sky.

04 - On May 18, the young scientist reports on her experiment. Holly intends to study the effects of extra-terrestrial conditions on vegetable growth and development. She expects the seedlings to stay aloft for several weeks before returning to earth. Her classmates are speechless.

05 - The date is June 29. Shortly after sunrise, a member of the Billings, Montana, Moose Lodge, hiking through the Rocky Mountains, makes a startling discovery. Robert Bernabe is in a daze when her returns to camp. All he can say for the next several hours is, "TURNIPS!"

06 - All over the country, the skies fill with vegetables.

07 - Cucumbers circle Kalamazoo.

Lima beans loom over Levittown.

08 - Artichokes advance on Anchorage.

Parsnips pass by Providence.

09 - And broccoli lands with a big bounce in Holly Evans's backyard.

10 - In Ottumwa, Iowa, Tony Kramer emerges from his barn and shouts for joy. "At last, the blue ribbon at the state fair is mine!"

11 - By Midafternoon, all vegetables float safely to the ground.

12 - Except for the peppers. For some reason, they need a little help.

13 - TV news channels broadcast twenty-four-hour coverage of the "airborne vegetal event." Cauliflower carpets California, spinach blankets Greenwich, and arugula covers Ashtabula.

Holly is puzzled. Arugula is not part of her experiment.

14 - Vegetables become very big business. Peas from Peoria are shipped down the Mississippi to Mobile in exchange for eggplant.

15 - Real estate booms in North Carolina.

Avocados bolster Vermont's economy.

16 - Potatoland is wisely ababdoned.

The Big Apple is renamed the Big Rutabaga.

17 - Arugula, eggplant, avocado, and now rutabaga. As the list of vegetables that Holly did not plant grows linger, she concludes that the giant specimens are not the results of her experiment. More curious than disappointed, Holly asks herself, "What happened to my vegetables?" "And whose broccoli is in my backyard?"

18 - The place is the ionosphere. On June 29, the Arcturian starcruiser Alula Borealis was touring its sixth planet in four days, and the captain had just pointed out the fjords of Norway off the port side. In the gallery an assistant fry cook accidentally jettisoned the entire food supply. As their vegetables drifted toward the small blue planet below, everyone on board had the same thought: Where would their supper come from?

19 - And what did they see from outside of their ship? Holly's vegetables!
