Catching fireflies on summer nights is a fun and memorable experience for many kids. In Firefly, a girl tries to catch fireflies every night of the week. Will she finally catch one on Sunday? Detailed illustrations and repetitive text support emergent readers. Students will also have the opportunity to sequence events as well as to retell the story to better understand the text.
对许多孩子来说,在夏夜捕捉萤火虫是一种有趣而难忘的经历。 在萤火虫中,一个女孩每周的每个晚上都试图捕捉萤火虫。 她最终会在星期天抓到一只吗? 详细的插图和重复的文本支持紧急读者。 学生还将有机会对事件进行排序以及复述故事以更好地理解文本。