



219 感谢与回答感谢


PART 01 详解惯用单句

谢谢你。Thank you.

■ 本句相当于“Thanks.”,这两种表达法后面都可以加修饰语,如“Thank you very much.” 或 “Thanks a lot.” 等,译为“非常感谢”

谢谢你的帮助。Thank you for your help.

■ “Thank you for +名词/ doing sth.” 是 “为某事而感谢某人” 的固定表达方式。

太感谢你了。I really can't thank you enough.

★ enough ad. 足够地,充足地 a. 足够的,充足的

你真好。It's very nice of you.

■ 较亲密的朋友间也可以用 “That's sweet of you.”。

我非常感激你。I'm very grateful for you.

★ grateful a.感激的,感谢的

我欠你个人情。I owe you one.

○ I'm in your debt.我欠你情。

★ owe v. 欠,感恩于

★ debt n. 债务,负债,恩义,情义

● be in debt “欠债,欠人情”


I do appreciate what you have done for me.

★ appreciate v. 感谢,感激

我想表达我的感激之情。I'd like to express my gratitude.

★ express v. 表达,表示

★ gratitude n.感激之情,谢意

乐意效劳。It's a pleasure.

= It's my pleasure. 还可以简化为 “My pleasure.” 或 “Pleasure.”

★ pleasure n.荣幸

不用客气。You are welcome.

○ Don't mention it. 没什么值得一提的。

★ mention v. 提及,说起

没什么麻烦的。No problem.

= No sweat.

= No trouble.

○ It was nothing. 没什么。

★ sweat n. 汗水



PART 02 详解实用对话

Expressing and Responding to Thanks

John: Is something wrong?

Mary: Yes. My car is having problems.

John: What's wrong?

Mary: It won't start.

John: Do you want me to take a look?

Mary: No, thank you. I think I can handle it.

John: Well, if you change your mind, let me know.

Mary: I will. Thanks. That's sweet of you,

John: No problem.

Mary: I might need some tools though. Do you know where I can get some?

John: Sure. I have all kinds of tools. Just ask. I'll be happy to get them for you.

Mary: Thanks. That would be very helpful.

John: Anything for you. Seriously, I don't mind helping.

Mary: OK. If you really insist, I could always use the company.

