Frosty the Snowman儿童节日歌曲背单词MP3音频免费下载


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Frosty the Snowman儿童节日歌曲背单词内容:



Frosty the Snowman是一首经典的圣诞歌曲,也是一个流传久远的西方圣诞故事,这部创作于1969年的同名美国动画片正是根据这个故事改编的。如果你看过上世纪七~八十年代我国广受好评的动画片《雪孩子》,相信一定会在这个故事里再次找到似曾相识的感觉。

Frosty The Snowman Lyrics1 歌词

Frosty the snowman was a jolly2 happy soul,

With a corncob pipe and a button nose

And two eyes made out of coal.

Frosty the snowman is a fairy tale, they say,

He was made of snow but the children

Know how he came to life one day.

There must have been some magic in that

Old silk hat they found.

For when they placed it on his head

He began to dance around.

O, Frosty the snowman

Was alive as he could be,

And the children say he could laugh

And play just the same as you and me.

Thumpetty thump3 thump,

Thumpety thump thump,

Look at Frosty go.

Thumpetty thump thump,

Thumpety thump thump,

Over the hills of snow.

Frosty the snowman knew

The sun was hot that day,

So he said, "Let's run and

We'll have some fun

Now before I melt away."

Down to the village,

With a broomstick in his hand,

Running here and there all

Around the square saying,

Catch me if you can.

He led them down the streets of town

Right to the traffic cop4.

And he only paused a moment when

He heard him holler "Stop!"

For Frosty the snow man

Had to hurry on his way,

But he waved goodbye saying,

"Don't you cry,

I'll be back again some day."

Thumpetty thump thump,

Thumpety thump thump,

Look at Frosty go.

Thumpetty thump thump,

Thumpety thump thump,

Over the hills of snow.

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