仅仅是利用英文有声书学习法, 八岁能够读完《纳里亚传奇》全集英文版
11 岁参加多益(TOEIC)考试,成绩985分,差5分满分,其中听力获得满分。
Tiger had a brand new torch.
'It's the most powerful torch
there is!' · he said to Kipper.
He shone it at Big Ow1.
He shone it at Hippo.
He shone it in Kipper's face.
'You should see it when it's
dark!' he said.'It's REALLY good
when it's dark!'
He sat in Kipper's basket
and pulled the blanket over
his head.
℃ome on! We can make it dark
under here!' hesaid.
Under the blanket was one of
Kipper's story books.
'That's another thing!' said Tiger.
'You can read under the bed clothes
with a torch like this!'
Kipper began toread.
'Deep in the middleof the
dark, dark wood,there lived a horrible,
horrendous, terrible, tremendous ... '
'That's it!' shouted Tiger, jumping up.
'We'll camp in the"1oods tonight!
It'll be really, REALLY dark in
the "1oods.'
'Shall I bring my
book?' saidKipper.
So they took thebook and
so111e biscuitsand they put up
their tent in thetniddle of the w-oods,
at the botto111 ofBig Hill.