I Can Read分级阅读Pedro’s Burro绘本PDF+音频资源免费下载


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I Can Read,是美国最知名的儿童启蒙阅读品牌,由著名出版社Harper Collins(哈珀 柯林斯)推出,是专门为儿童开始英语阅读而设计的分级读物,全球畅销近五十年。它的目标并不是教孩子如何读书,而是让孩子可以享受阅读,和享受阅读所带来的一切喜悦。

I Can Read共分六个级别:

My Very First:主旨是Introduce children to reading,培养孩子阅读的兴趣。

My First :Shared Reading,是父母读,孩子听。

Level 1:Beginning Reading,孩子开始阅读,可以读单词及句子。

Level 2:Reading with Help,孩子可以自己读, 但还需要一些帮助。

Level 3:Reading Alone,孩子自主阅读。

Level 4:Advanced Reading,简单的章节书,孩子开始迈向真正的阅读爱好者。

I Can Read分级阅读Pedro’s Burro绘本PDF+音频资源免费下载


It was a sunny day.

Pedro and Papa went to the market.

Today we must find a new burro.”

Papa said.

“A burro to help us pull?"asked Pedro.

“Or a burro to help us carry things?”

" We must find a burro to help us pull and carry things," Papa said.

“ We must find a burro that is just right."
