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Giving Blood原版英文小故事MP3音频免费下载

Giving Blood原版英文小故事内容:

Gabriel was running late. He had a 2 o’clock appointment to give blood at the gymnasium1 at George Washington High School. At least he thought he had; no one had ever called him back to confirm his reservation2. Probably a confirmation3 call wasn’t even necessary, he thought.

He didn’t feel comfortable giving blood nowadays, no matter how much they talked about the unlikelihood4 of getting infections. As far as Gabriel was concerned, if anything involved humans, it also involved the possibility of human error. But he was willing to take the risk because he liked to think that this was his way of “giving back” to his community.

When he started his car, he knew the gas station would be his first stop after the gym. He wouldn’t have time to gas up before his appointment, because long gas lines were a daily problem as people tried to beat the rising gas prices.

Gabriel walked into the gym. No other donors5 were there. Six staff people, identified by their “Give Life” T-shirts, were inside the gym. He walked over to Andrew, the staff supervisor.

“I have an appointment at two o’clock to donate my blood,” he said.

“Well, we’re ready if you are,” said Andrew, smiling.

“I’m ready, willing, and able.”

“Great! Just fill out this form.”

Gabriel filled out the form in just a few minutes, and then gave it back to Andrew. Andrew gave the form to Alexis, who asked Gabriel to sit down at her table. She asked him if he liked the new forms. Gabriel asked what was new about them.

“I don’t have to ask you about 30 questions that I used to have to ask you, so they save both of us time.” She asked Gabriel to hold out his hand.

“Which finger do you prefer?” she asked, as she unwrapped the needle that she was going to prick7 his finger with to get a blood sample.

“Oh, it doesn’t matter. They’re all the same to me. Where is everybody? The last time I was here, the gym was full,” Gabriel said.

“I don’t know. It’s not even 2:15 yet. I'm sure it will start to get busy shortly. We’re hoping that everyone shows up,” Alexis said.

“Maybe you ought to give away free T-shirts to encourage a good turnout,” Gabriel suggested.

“Or free gas to guarantee one,” Alexis smiled.

1 gymnasium n.体育馆,健身房


Our school has a big gymnasium.我们学校有座大型体育馆。

The game will be staged in the gymnasium.竞赛将在体育馆举行。

2 reservation n.保留条件,限制条件;预订座位


The instruction should be carried out without any reservation.应当不折不扣地执行这个指示。

I accept your statement without reservation.我完全相信你的话。

3 confirmation n.证实,确认,批准


We are waiting for confirmation of the news.我们正在等待证实那个消息。

We need confirmation in writing before we can send your order out.给你们发送订购的货物之前,我们需要书面确认。

4 unlikelihood n.未必有,不可信


The problem with trading McGrady is the unlikelihood of getting equal value in return. 问题是交易麦迪看起来并不能带来等价的回报。 来自互联网

5 donors n.捐赠者( donor的名词复数 );献血者;捐血者;器官捐献者


Please email us to be removed from our active list of blood donors. 假如你想把自己的名字从献血联系人名单中删去,请给我们发电子邮件。

About half this amount comes from individual donors and bequests. 这笔钱大约有一半来自个人捐赠及遗赠。 来自《简明英汉词典》

6 supervisor n.监督人,管理人,检查员,督学,主管,导师


Between you and me I think that new supervisor is a twit.我们私下说,我认为新来的主管人是一个傻瓜。

He said I was too flighty to be a good supervisor.他说我太轻浮不能成为一名好的管理员。

7 prick v.刺伤,刺痛,刺孔;n.刺伤,刺痛


He felt a sharp prick when he stepped on an upturned nail.当他踩在一个尖朝上的钉子上时,他感到剧烈的疼痛。

He burst the balloon with a prick of the pin.他用针一戳,气球就爆了。

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